Friday, February 27, 2009

Feeling sunny...

So yesterday I was actually able to sleep-in on my Friday. Although I usually jump at the chance to get more rest, I found myself feeling sad that Bible Club was postponed for the day. I've been spending my Friday mornings at Bible Club at a local middle school, and it's truly something I look forward to. You know it's only by miracle when a room is wall-to-wall full of rebellious middle schoolers with raging hormones, who are actually quiet, attentively listening, and worshipping the Lord early in the morning before school. These kids are hungry and thirsting to know who God is, and that in itself has been so encouraging to me. So often I become complacent in my faith, believing that I know all that I need to. However, seeing these kids' yearning is teaching me more and more about truly seeking Him. I am reminded of Matthew 19:14 (NLT): "But Jesus said, 'Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.'" That's what I need: to come to the Father in meekness and sincerity, with a childlike yearning for more - more of His teaching, more of His character, and just more of His presence.

God surely knows how selfish I was being. When the opportunity arose for me to help with the Club, I was indignant. I reasoned, "No! Fridays are MY day off! My only day to sleep-in! No! I use Fridays for homework catch-up. Plus, I can't stand middle school!" Gosh, just typing it makes me ashamed. After months of rebellion, I finally went, and it felt like a big slap to my selfishness and (no surprise here) my pride. I was thinking myself so righteous, "sacrificing" my time to be there to "teach" them, but if anything, I feel as though the Lord brought me in to actually learn from them. By waiting so long, the only thing I sacrificed was an opportunity to grow more in my faith.

Despite not having Bible Club that morning, I still was blessed with a wonderful day, spent with my brother. Despite being younger than me and having a polar-opposite personality, we get along exceedingly well. I often refer to him as my balance. While I am impulsive, passionate, and intense, he is pensive, logical, witty, and calm. His wisdom often astounds me, as he tells me just what I needed to hear - even when I'd rather not hear it. I admire him so much, and sometimes I feel like a dork, being the older sibling and yet wanting so badly to spend time with my younger brother! But he is amazing. I love driving with him, listening to music, and sharing with him, as we both open up completely about what is going on in our lives - a rare occurrence, I think, for teenage siblings. I love how God is often the main (if not only) topic of conversation. While eating lunch, he asked to pray for me! Can you believe that?! Honestly, it was one of the kindest, most sincere, most loving prayers I have ever had over me. I will never forget it. It must have been a strange sight: two teenagers, hugging in the corner of Pojos restaurant, gasping, weeping, and praying. But my brother has such a great way of bringing back the humor. While walking back to my car, he smiled, wiped the tears from his eyes, and said, "Agh! I hate crying." Love love love love love him. He is going to make a fantastic husband one day - but I cannot help but feel sorry for the girl who has to feel the wrath of an extremely over-protective big sister.

& As if I wasn't having a good enough day, Michelle, Abby, and I decide to have yet another Girls' Night, which turned into an unintentional sleep over. I love our Girls' Nights! They always end with me feeling joyful, encouraged, and renewed. They both are such godly young women, who just overflow with Christ's love, and whose lives are a living testament of the amazing things the Lord can do with a life that's given to Him. They both continue to be such encouragements to me. 

One of the things I enjoy most about our Girls' Nights is the wholesome, good fun. We watched a romantic movie (which was "endearing creepy" - like Michelle), attempted to put together a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle (with the most dedicated being Abby), did some Bible trivia, ate tons of snacks (chocolate, nachos, chips, ice cream, and Abby's yummy Taco Popcorn), watched Christian comedians and practical jokes on Youtube, stayed up having one of those intense, heartfelt, midnight girl talks (with Michelle falling asleep at midnight and only contributing "zzzZZZZ..." to the conversation), and Abby and I fell asleep on the couch watching Anne of Green Gables until 3 or 4 am. It was wonderful waking up in the company of friends - especially when no one had anticipated it. *cough* Michelle *cough*


Between classes with Ronalyne...

Creeping Craig...

OYYA Bible Study...See the hateful looks they reserve for innocent, little me? When Abby said she had really good news, I merely tried to capture the moment. & THIS is what I got...

Despite the rain pouring heavily outside, my heart feels sunny and light. :] Praise God!

Today's addition to the Happy List:
154. Waking up with friends


  1. I'm still trying to figure out how -I- ended up being the creepy one, when you KNOW we are really just the same person Tab. :)

    What an incredible blessing you are in my life. I'm grateful to know that you will always be one of my dearest and closest friends....wherever God leads. I am honored to know and be known by you. You alone were worth the (LONG) trip here. :)

    And I'm just loving you & Ronny. How blessed I am to be an honorary member of the Espina family...building a rich legacy of lovers of God. Make that TWO overprotective big sisters...we need to start praying for that poor girl NOW!! :) Love you Tab! :)
