Friday, February 20, 2009

The Happy List

So Michelle has been urging me to make a blog, and for so long I have been hesitant. I don't know. I just don't think my life is that interesting enough to write continuously about. However, this idea provided just the right opportunity! I admit, though, I can't take full credit. Gaining inspiration from Ronny's book "14,000 Things to Be Happy About" by B. Kipfer, I've decided to make my own "Happy List"! Amazing how much you can learn about a person, just by reading about what makes them happy. I understand that not everything will make sense to everyone, but I'm hoping my friends will learn more about me, and as I look through the list later in life, I'll probably be able to learn more about myself - being able to see my growth and hopefully remembering what happened and how I felt when I wrote something. Each one tells a story. 

I am SO EXCITED! Oh, and also, I'm going to try to end every blog entry with at least one new addition to the list. That way, I'll try to find at least one thing to be happy about every day (that I blog)! & The BEST part is: if I ever need a pick-me-up, I'll simply peruse through my list to put a smile on my face, and hopefully on others' as well. :) HERE GOES!!!!!! (Once I got started I couldn't stop. So I warn you, this WILL be long. Two of my pens ran out of ink before I finished in my journal.)


1. My source of utmost joy is simply Him. I love you, Lord. <3
2. Good ideas - like this
3. Lone drives on sunny days with the windows down, sunroof open, hair blowing in the wind, and singing at the top of my lungs to just the right worship song blasting through the stereo
4. Songs that speak personally to me
5. Days to contemplate
6. Stream-of-consciousness writing
7. Literature that touches your soul, as your heart rises and falls with the undulations of the unfolding plot
8. Friday morning Bible Club at F.B. Middle School
9. That tiny old man who wears rubber rain boots and sells newspapers by the road (His smile gets me EVERY time.)
10. My brother Ronny's wise, hilarious insight (e.g. "Well, if we got it right all the time, we'd be Jesus.")
11. Perpetual summertime on Guam
12. Quiet afternoons on the couch, under my favorite knit blanket with a good book
13. Rainy nights with hot chocolate
14. Books with personality: frayed edges, food-stained pages, crumbs within the spine, highlighted, underlined, and messy scrawl in the margins
15. The crisp pages and smell of a new book
16. CLEAN bare feet 
17. Divine revelations
18. Church - my happy place
19. Sunday morning worship
20. Good, powerful radio sermons
21. Song inspiration
22. The Brady Bunch
23. Night drives with good friends, good conversation, and good music
24. Driving all day and the gas gauge has barely moved
25. Having a camera when you need it
26. Heartfelt hugs
27. The feel and smell of Mom's skin
28. Random hugs from Ronny to "Tabba"
29. Kisses on my head from Daddy as he says, "Love you, baby girl."
30. When my parents call each other "sweetheart"
31. Quality family time
32. Sunday afternoons with no homework
33. No homework. Period.
34. Girl time
35. When God brings just the right people into your life, right when you need them the most
36. The peacefulness of Cecile and Craig's living room
37. Reminders of God's love
38. People who shine with God's love
39. A plethora of pens
40. Inspiring testimonies
41. Finding just the right scripture
42. Leaving messages on Michelle's voicemail before my first morning class
43. The fact that Abby's always ready for spur-of-the-moment "plans"
44. The mutual understanding known as "Guam Time"
45. Cecile's tiramisu and afternoon talks after an exhausting day
46. The sound of mom's voice and piano resonating throughout the house as she prepares her worship lineup
47. Finding the right words to say
48. Billy's silent laugh that makes him cough and eyes bulge
49. Island hospitality
50. Cars that signal
51. When people wave after you've allowed them to change into your lane
52. Scaring Craig
54. Looking through old pictures
55. Non-awkward telephone conversations
56. Listening to Ronny practice in his room
57. Starry nights
58. Bubbly shakes on a hot day
59. Walking to class and seeing the ocean view
60. The fact that nothing is arbitrary
61. Reminders of God's personal involvement in my life
62. Quiet time
63. 80's music
64. Snow cones during the Liberation Day parade
65. Handmade/hand-written cards
66. Having a good song stuck in your head
67. Literature class
68. The smell of Daddy's cooking when I wake up
69. My lunch pail packed by Daddy (even when I'm in college)
70. Life's soundtrack
71. Acts 9 - my namesake
72. The names "Noah" and "Esther Rose"
73. Little children smiling and excitedly yelling my name
74. Group hugs
75. The thought of teaching elementary school
76. Tearful talks on the bed with Mom
77. Sneaking out onto the roof to watch the stars and wait for sunrise
78. The thought of seeing real snow one day
79. Someone saying, "I was thinking of you today."
80. Wednesday night Bible study with some of the most godly people I know
81. Being called a "nerd"
82. The prevention of a potentially humiliating experience
83. Going around the island
84. Lunch with friends
85. Hair falling onto my face in just the right place
86. Knowing that God provides
87. Falling asleep in a pile of unfolded laundry fresh out of the dryer
88. My personal library cubicle
89. When people say my car is clean (albeit rare)
90. "When I talk to Tabby, I feel like I'm reading a novel." - Richard
91. My obsession with pneumonic devices
92. Playing with my hair
93. Nights at the YWAM base
94. Surprise parties
95. The pile of typed, completed paperwork that I measure between my fingers
96. Joy William's voice
97. Blistex
98. Knowing I'm never alone
99. Mom greeting me at the back door when I get home
100. Our first attempt at a family photo shoot (I'm laughing out loud)
101. Catching embarrassing moments on camera
102. Messages from friends
103. Corny Caser Family gatherings, complete with songs by the piano and color-coordinating outfits
104. The availability of rice
105. "Walks along the beach"
106. Flowers on Valentine's Day
107. Balloons for every occasion
108. Chris Rice, Michael Buble, Nathan Angelo, John Mayer, Jason Mraz
109. Giving gifts "just because"
110. Google
111. Girl coffee dates
112. Photo montages
113. Old people
114. Babies
115. Matching plumeria clips
116. The smell of clean
117. Great days of fellowship
118. The power of prayer
119. Cheesy comedies that make girls gasp, tear, and go, "Aww!"
120. Curled toes
121. "The perfect bite" (TM)
122. Yummy left-overs
123. Buy one, get one free
124. Free t-shirts
125. Grandma Sue's hugs
126. Soft, springy grass wet with morning dew
127. Triple rainbows
128. Feather quills and old-fashioned keys
129. Old papers from elementary school
130. My name which I wrote in permanent marker beneath my doorknob when I was three
131. The mohawk-ed carabao man at Fort Soledad
132. Walking arm-in-arm with Daddy
133. Chocolate-covered gummy bears
134. Finding forgotten snacks in my bag that are still good
135. Reading what someone scratched out
136. The letter "Z"
137. Watching others misjudge the depth of a puddle
138. Swimming
139. Having a good song stuck in my head
140. Group hugs
141. Sleepovers, minus the sleep
142. Camera self-timer + tripod
143. Grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches
144. The magical disappearance of a pimple
145. Daydreaming
146. Pigtails, sundresses, and lace socks on little girls
147. How rain can stop in 2 seconds on Guam
148. Clear nail polish
149. Cool Whip
150. A full refrigerator

...& There's more to come.

1 comment:

  1. I love this sweet friend.
    I can second about every single one of these.
    You're such a blessing. I look forward to more beautiful blogs! <3
