Saturday, April 4, 2009

Great is Thy Faithfulness

"We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near." Psalm 75:1
Ever have those moments where you can't help but shout, "Hallelujah!"? Sometimes we just need those moments of divine providence that cause us to sing, shout, and dance in rejoicing. & After what transpired, I couldn't help but do all three in earnest.

The past couple of weeks have been quite difficult for me. With the added stress of intense midterm exams, I've just been emotionally, physically, and spiritually exhausted. It reminds me of a funny conversation I had with my mom in the car this week:

Mom: "Tab! Don't speed! There are reasons there are speed limits!"
Me: "Well, I need to get somewhere fast. & Everyone goes fast in the back road. That's why you take the back road!"
Mom: "Well, would you be speeding if Jesus were sitting in the passenger seat?!"
Me: (jokingly) "... Maybe we'd be having so much fun, He wouldn't even notice." 

Although I said it in jest, the truth is, that's where my problem was this week: God was in my passenger seat, watching as I sped through life in a blur to get where I wanted to go. And no, it wasn't fun. And I'm sure He noticed, just as much as He notices anything and everything that had, has, and ever will happen. However, that's precisely why I was so tired. I have to constantly remind myself to let God drive, and just sit in the passenger seat and enjoy the ride.
And yet He reveals himself sometimes in the simplest ways, to remind us that He is indeed there, waiting to be given back the wheel.

So I've been really excited, because every week, I've been teaching a worship dance to the song "I Will Worship" at the middle school where I help with the Bible Club. It has been such an amazing tool for ministry, as girls from all kinds of backgrounds have been participating and we were given the immense opportunity to present the worship dance to the entire school on Tuesday - which is quite a feat in itself, considering it is a public school and the ridiculously strict "separation of church and state" rules. And I was so touched by these girls, because they sacrifice every day of their lunch time to learn the dance, when they could easily be hanging out with friends or eating at the cafeteria. They have even been internalizing the words, as I hear them singing, "I will give You all my worship" even outside of practice! There is one particular girl who is known as a troublemaker, and the mere mention of her name makes teachers cringe. However, she openly said one day, "You know, I only go to school for practice." And my heart melted, as I saw a positive change in her.

So we were trying to figure out what "costume" the girls would wear, and most of the girls humbly admitted that they do not have very many clothes. I tried so badly to hide my sadness in front of them. It was then that I felt the Lord was prompting me to buy them matching t-shirts. I did want to bless them, because they had inspired and touched me so much, but at the same time I was trying to be realistic. "God, I'm only a student. I don't have a job. There are 18 of them in different sizes. I just don't have the money." Notice all the I's.  
While driving, my heart was burdened. I knew what I had to do, but I didn't know how I would do it. That morning at Bible Club, Rich shared about how with God, all things are possible. And that line kept resonating in my mind. I then recalled Pastor Gary's sermon that asked, "Do you live as though you have a BIG God?" And I wrestled with the thought all afternoon. 

And in an act that can only be explained through divine providence, I got a call from Bank of Guam telling me that I had won their commercial contest and the prize money was $500. I was absolutely in shock. I had done the commercial only because it was a required assignment for a class, and I didn't expect it at all to win, so much so that I actually deleted it from the computer. (If you saw how truly awful the commercial was, you'd KNOW it was only by God's miracle it won!) I couldn't help but sing, shout, and dance in utter praise and thanksgiving when I got home.
 There is no doubt in my mind that that money is to be used entirely and completely for what He was telling me to do: buy the girls shirts. I know He blessed me with it, so that I could bless the girls. Oh, where God guides, He truly provides! I was amazed at how God just completely lavishes His grace and provision when we are open to His purposes. He truly can do anything. And He WILL! I felt so sorry for doubting the greatness of my Lord, as I felt as though He was proving just how big He truly is. How often I forget that God has His hand in everything. And when He calls us to do something, we can have faith that He will provide a way - no matter how completely unexpected and despite how undeserving we are. And He does it all simply out of unconditional love.

So Praise God for His abounding grace! Praise God for His abundant provision! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Picture update:

Ronny in High School Musical 2

We are all so proud of our boy!

I have been so blessed by the Young Adult Group and Bible Seminar at Jesus Baptist Church

Wonderful Apple!

Girls' night watching a black-and-white 1940s romantic comedy. :]

OYYA (Older Youth Young Adult) Group

Homemaking and cooking lessons with Auntie Gwen

Purple mouth picture for the hospital room of a little girl suffering from chemotherapy (Michelle's idea)

Additions to the Happy List:
- Whipped cream
- Veggie Tales' Silly Songs with Larry


  1. Hello
    It has a nice blog.
    Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
    A hug from my country, Portugal

  2. hey tabby, what an amazing faith-building story! thank you so much for sharing this- it's such an encouragement to me! yay!

    love your sis,


  3. that's the problem- our natural want for control. but "Problem, I have a God." how do you remind yourself that God is in control?
